When you place your MUI order on our website, we'll offer you several
different software packages in addition. Simply choose the one you'd
like to receive in case you win. That's it, there's nothing more to do
for you. There's of course no extra fee for participation in this
lottery, it's completely free of charge!
Drawings for the MUI lottery take place on a monthly basis. At the end
of every month, one lucky winner is selected randomly from all
customers who registered during this period. It doesn't matter if you
order a full MUI or just an upgrade, taking part in the lottery is
possible in either case.
A monthly drawing is always scheduled for the first few days of the
following month after all orders are collected. If you happen to be a
lucky person and win your drawing, you'll be immeditately informed by
email. A few days later, your pre-selected prize will reach you.
You can of course also decide not to take part in the lottery, but why
would want to do that? Participation is completely free, there are no
extra costs involved. Anyway, since the MUI lottery is web and email
based, you can only gamble if you place your order online with this web
service, have a reliable email address and select email shipment of your
MUI registration.